The month of March was brutal. It started snowing on February 23rd and didn’t stop until over 8 feet of snow had accumulated. Five feet of it fell in a 24 hour period. This photo is looking out from my studio window during a break in the middle of the storm. Thank God I could get out to it to paint, it saved my sanity. Nearly two weeks of not seeing another human being, no plows clearing the road, just snow, snow and more snow was stressful, to say the least.
The roof of our only grocery store in Crestline, Goodwin’s Market, collapsed due to the weight of the snow. They estimate it will take a year to rebuild. Only the outside walls remain.
Roofs all over the mountain collapsed. The last time we saw this much snow up here was the winter of 1982-83.
Thankfully, the roof on my 115 year old cottage held up just fine, and so did the roof of my studio, probably because the pitch of both is so steep. I did have to shovel off the roof of the cottage’s front porch though because it’s fairly flat.
The street in front of my house. The fence across the street is 7 and a half feet tall, you can just see the top of it peeking out.
I kept the birds, squirrels, feral cats, skunks and raccoons fed during the storm and they all made it though just fine. And, all of us who live inside my little cottage made it through just fine, too.
And now the snow is melting and the creeks and lakes are full. Every cloud has a silver lining, as my Mama used to say.
Nothing is blooming up here yet, but the flowers at lower elevations are truly spectacular.

If I never see this much snow again it wouldn’t bother me a bit. Although, it’s really not the amount of snow that was so hard to deal with, it’s the fact that the County of San Bernardino was so slow in getting the roads plowed. People died up here because of the County’s negligence. (I thank whoever build my little cottage all those years ago for putting in a fireplace and a gas floor furnace).Trees and power lines came down and Edison couldn’t get in to fix anything because the roads weren’t cleared. People couldn’t get out to get medications and died. People ran out of food. People who lived in all electric houses, and so had no heat, froze to death. The County is trying to say that all of the deaths that happened up here during the blizzard are not storm related, but we all know that’s a lie. During the blizzard of 1982-83 the roads were, mostly, cleared within three days because the plows were out working night and day, and that’s the way it has always been up here. As soon as it started snowing, the plows were working. But not during this storm. I’m near town, one of the first places normally to be plowed, but my road wasn’t plowed for 10 days! Sadly, probably nothing will happen to the people who were responsible for the County’s poor response because that’s the way things seem to be nowadays.

I’m looking forward to when the lilacs that are all around my cottage bloom and I can pick bouquets. The leaves are already showing some green, so maybe in a few more weeks they’ll bloom. I can’t wait! Spring has never been so welcome.