Thursday, May 17, 2012


They're blooming all over here.  Some put out leaves and buds too early and have no blooms, just new leaves coming out.  Some, like the one above managed to save a few blooms.
Others, like this one, and the one below, did pretty well considering what a crazy Spring we've had.
The air is wonderfully scented with lilacs.
I wish they would last longer, but I'm very grateful that I have them.  They won't grow down in the valley where my sister lives, so I take huge bouquets to her every spring.  Funny...I won't cut them for myself to be in my house but I can justify cutting them for her since she doesn't have any.  Ah well, I suppose we all have our little quirks.


  1. Beautiful lilacs !!! They are in bloom all around my house too. I only have a dwarf variety, but across the street and at the neighbours garden, they have big ones ; )
    Have a great weekend.

  2. This brings back memories of New York for me. We had them in our "city" garden in Yonkers and it was a very old bush. My grandma loved lilacs ... and I love all flowers. No way they would grow down here in Florida ... lately nothing really does. Thanks for sharing.

    Love and Light to all.

  3. Ah, wonderful and glorious are lilacs, their visual beauty is only surpasses with their intoxicating fragrance. I have wonderful childhood memories of lilacs in Ohio. Alas, here in the Valley of the Sun they donot grow.
    Enjoy them while they are with you!!!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  4. We're on a par, Victoria. My two are at the same stage - one deep lilac and one white. I was wondering what the scent was in my garden this afternoon. You just reminded me.

  5. How beautiful. I love the smell of their perfume. Friends just bought me an everblooming lilac as a gift and it has blooms. The scent is fabulous! You're so lucky to have these trees on your property.

  6. Oh, such gorgeous profusion! I have only one lilac and its bloom was all too brief -- thinking I need to find a place for more...

  7. I love lilacs and yours are beautiful.

    Louise in TN


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