Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Poor Husband...

He's sitting on the couch cuddling Miss Daisy and that is where he most likely will be for some time.  He has come down with a terrible case of the Flu...and it doesn't look like there will be any Thanksgiving turkey for him.  In fact, since it will only be the two of us this year, I think I will hold off on roasting a turkey for him (I'm a vegetarian) until he feels a lot better.  Any spare get-well-quickly thoughts and wishes you can send his way will be most appreciated!


  1. Oh, sending Reiki energy his way as well as to you ... sooo cute. We treat our kitties by ourselves via information from the internet. I do believe they are so much better off and all remedies have worked wonderfully. Have you tried "little noses" (found in children's cold meds aisle of the market). It helps our kitties so much with their allergies. There is only my daughter and I for Thanksgiving and of course our four kitties. I'm just grateful that we can enjoy a quite time tomorrow, which is also my birthday.

    Love and Light,

  2. Thanks, Jan. I hope you, your daughter and your kitties have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Hope your husband gets rid of the flu quickly. Miss Daisy looks adorable.


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