February is "I Love To Read Month," and I'm so glad I do love to read! Every book is a new world to explore, a new life to inhabit, new things to learn. I don't know if I love to read so much because my mother read to me, or because my dear childhood friend, M.L., six years older than me, taught me the alphabet and how to read by the time I was four, or if I would have come by it naturally without their influence.
One of the reasons I love having a Kindle is because, no matter where I go, I can carry an entire library with me. However, nothing could ever replace the feeling of holding, then opening an actual book. If I've read it before, there are old friends waiting to greet me. If it's a new book, it's a voyage of discovery. I have books that were gifts from my mother, my grandmother, M.L., my father and my sister. When I hold one of those books, it's as though the person who gave it to me is right there with me.
To paraphrase a quote from Sydney Smith, "Thank goodness for books! What would the world do without books? I am glad I was not born before books!"
(The painting is by Homer Winslow, 1836-1910, a detail from "The New Novel")