Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday's Winding Road

Yesterday, Highway 18, a little before Rim Forest.


  1. I spy a house way up on the cliff - I imagine they have quite a view.
    Is that a Monterey Pine on the bend?

  2. Hi Victoria,
    I would have not noticed the house on the hill if Vicki had not mentioned it..
    Thank you so much for leaving such a kind comment about my portrait...
    The heat is on here.. Hot, humid, and thunderstorms.
    The only plus is we need this rain.
    Have a great day

  3. Vicki, that's a Ponderosa pine that has been sculpted by centuries of storms. It's right on the edge of the cliffs, and there's nothing to break the wind. I call it "the Grandfather Tree." I think it's so beautiful.

    That's not a house; it's some sort of communications building. There's a huge tower next to it, but I didn't let it be in the photo. :)


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