Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Morning in the Studio

Morning sun shining through my studio's largest window looks so pretty...
Especially the sparkly bits.
It made a pretty butterfly (sort of) at the bottom of the glass.
It pointed out something I'd never noticed before...the cuts at the very bottom of the glass look like tiny, clear butterflies. 

Linking with: Our World Tuesday

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day Memories

Memorial Day always reminds me of a conversation I had a long time ago with my brother, Jack.  He fought in World War II on a naval destroyer in the Pacific.  Years and years after it was all over I asked him how he felt about war.  He replied, "I was happy, even eager, to go and fight for my country and for the people I loved.  But now, after that and Korea and with all the horror that's going on in Vietnam...well, this is how I feel about war.  I wish to God that the people in power had to go and fight right along side the soldiers on the ground, at sea and in the air.  Maybe then they wouldn't be so quick to choose war.  Maybe then, they'd all fight harder for peace."

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunlight and Shadows

Sunlight on the blossoms of Lunaria, commonly called money plant.
Casting shadows on little Seely Creek in the Valley of Enchantment in the San Bernardino mountains.

Linking with: Shadow Shot Sunday

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Thank You, Rachel

                     Rachel Carson, 1907 - 1964

She was the mother of the modern environmental movement.  She saw what was coming...forests,  woods, and meadows bereft of birds and animals, oceans devoid of fish.  She saw what was coming...and she did something about it.  So, thank you Rachel, and happy birthday wherever you are.  We all owe you a huge debt of gratitude. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Wildflowers and Water

Water flowing in a little creek near Lake Silverwood... 
...and some wildflowers growing on the creek banks, or very near the banks.  This is Ceanothus,
commonly called California Mountain Lilac.  It doesn't smell like real lilacs, but it does have a lovely, sweet scent that reminds me of honey. 
Yellow California poppies.  They're usually orange. 
These pretty little flowers are Phacelia, a member of the waterleaf family.  It's native to California, Nevada and Oregon.
And lots of wild mustard...I don't think there is anywhere that this plant doesn't grow.  It even grows above the arctic circle. 
Further down, the creek picks up speed before finally flowing into Lake Silverwood (pictured below). 

To see more of what Tuesday looks like around the world, click on the link: Our World Tuesday

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunday Sunlight

Sunlight on dogwood blossoms dancing in the breeze.
The temperatures here are all over the place.  These dogwood flowers have endured rain, snow, and hail and high temperatures that were 40 F one day (4.44 C) and 80 F (26.67) the next day. 
They're holding up pretty well though, all things considered! 

Friday, May 12, 2017

Skywatch Friday

Spring blues and greens...and an interesting tree stump. 

Linking with:  Skywatch Friday

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Saturday's Critters

A couple of days ago I spotted this cute little dog at Lake Gregory.
It was desperately trying to convince some ducks to come closer.
The ducks, however, were having none of it.  "Yeah, right...like I'd be that stupid."
Eventually, the dog heeded the calls of the owner and turned away from the ducks.
"I'll be back tomorrow, ducks.  See ya then!"   Well...I'm thinking not if the ducks see you first, darling little dog!

To see more participants click here Saturday's Critters

Friday, May 5, 2017

Skywatch Friday

The sky has been sort of washed out here lately. 
It's been really warm though...too warm for May.  Our high temperature yesterday was 80!  Which makes it even harder to believe the weather report.  Temperatures are supposed to drop 50 degrees by tomorrow evening and we're supposed to get 4 inches of snow.  Hmm...I'll believe it when I see it! 

To see other participants in Sky Watch Friday click here:  Sky Watch Friday

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Lovely Lilacs

A friend brought a bouquet of lilacs from her yard, in colors that the lilacs around my cottage don't produce.  My lilacs only bloom in pale lavender and brilliant white.   
I love the different colors of these lilacs.  Blueish lavender, lavender pink, and a deep, slightly reddish purple. 
It's so lovely to have a friend that brings you flowers! 

Linking with: Our World Tuesday

Monday, May 1, 2017

Jeweled Oak Leaves

Water drops on baby oak leaves.  I wish I could say they were raindrops but we've had no real rain here since March 22, just a some cloudy days and a few foggy ones.  I had to resort to using a spray bottle of water.
The leaves liked it though, I think, even though it wasn't real rain.

To see other participants click here:  Macro Monday
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