(image from the Web)
Normally I like being a Libra. We have some nice traits; just, sociable, refined, kind, fair, diplomatic, artistic.
But there's another trait...indecisiveness. Anyone who has known a Libra well has probably been driven to the brink of insanity by their inability (sometimes) to make a decision.
I have spent the last three, yes THREE, hours trying to decide what to write about. It's not as though I didn't have a lot of choices. But when I am stuck in the doldrums of indecisiveness that just makes it worse.
Thankfully, this doesn't happen to me very often, because, when it does, I drive myself to the brink of insanity!
Thank goodness my husband suggested I blog about being unable to make a decision sometimes because of being a Libra or I'd probably be stuck in front of the computer until...well, no I wouldn't be stuck because...no, maybe I would.
And that woman in the picture above? She's holding up her hand because she's thinking "No, OH NO, don't make me choose one bowl...don't! Oh, which one should it be? The left one is...no, wait. The right one has...well, on the other hand, the left really is..."
Oh, BOTHER being a Libra!