There are little wild strawberries blooming everywhere. They're even popping up in the ivy. Hopefully, there will be lots for the birds, mice and skunks as they all love strawberries. I love them, too, but I only eat one or two of the beyond-delicious little wild ones because there just isn't that much food for the little wild cousins up here anymore. My sister always has lots of strawberries to share, so I content myself with those.
The wildfires in San Diego County are terrible. I heard on the news tonight that a badly burned body has been found, poor soul. And when I think of all the animals that have perished, which the news never mentions, my heart hurts more. 135,000 homes have been evacuated across the county. Fires have never,
never been a problem in Southern California in May. I am terrified of what months of hot, dry weather will cause in the autumn. But, since we're having Santa Ana winds now, which is unusual, maybe they won't blow in the autumn. It's the hope of that which I hang on to.