Saturday, March 17, 2018


There have been lots of clouds around this month, and we've received nearly nine inches of rain!  More is predicted for next Wednesday, and I sure hope the prediction is correct. 
This Steller's Jay posed for a portrait at the end of last month.  That was the last good amount of snow we got; there was slush on the ground this morning from last night's storm and a bit of hail, but it's all melted now. 

To see more beautiful creatures and skies click here  and here.


  1. The Steller's Jay is beautiful. A lovely capture indeed.

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog. This photo of the Steller's Jay is amazing. Wishing you a pleasant evening.

  3. This is such a huge country with such diverse wildlife! I've never seen a jay like that, but it is certainly beautiful. Thank you for the photo!

  4. The Steller's Jay is a real beauty. Nice of him to pose for you. The bluejays around here are quick to disappear into the trees. I'm still chasing them though. Happy Sunday!

  5. Hello!:) Beautiful capture of the Steller Jay, and I like and believe in the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote on your side bar. The Mountain lion shot is amazing.:)

  6. beautiful capture of the stellar jay...he did pose nicely for you!! have a wonderful sunday!!

  7. Gorgeous Steller's Jay! We had a few come by the other day and I got a few more shots.

  8. Beautiful photo of your Steller Jay - so wonderful to read about your rain...praying Weds. more is on its way. Hugs!


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